Huade Machinery

Professional plastic pipe extrusion machinery manufacturer

The PVC Extrusion method its process and application

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In this post, we will briefly explain the extrusion method, its process and application.

Extrusion is a continuous process, in which the finished products are obtained by forcing molten material through a shaping tool.

The material used in the extrusion process is characterized by a high level of viscosity, sheet extrusion, and the products are obtained with a cross section of the desired shape, as in the case of plastic.

General Extrusion method, process and application.  

Extrusion, in other words, can be considered as a complex physical-chemical process that takes place under the influence of mechanical forces, high temperature and humidity.

The processed raw materials are heated by heat, which is released during the process of overcoming internal friction and deformation of the material, and also due to external heating.


PVC Pipe Extrusion Line

The variable parameters of the extrusion process are the composition and humidity of the material being processed, as well as the pressure, temperature, intensity and duration of exposure to raw materials.

The main extrusion methods include cold forming, heat treatment and the "hot extrusion" (molding) method.

The extrusion method, as well as the injection molding of plastics, belongs to one of the most popular methods of manufacturing plastic products.

The extrusion process can be applied to almost all the main types of polymers: thermoplastics, elastomers, thermosets.

Some applications of the extrusion process can be seen in the polymeric material processing used for materials such as ferrite products, cable membranes, optical systems and more.

Most notable in the application of the extrusion process can be seen in the formation of the PVC pipes. One essential machine used in the PVC pipe manufacturing is the PVC pipe extrusion machine. Another application of this technology is in the production of thermal insulation materials. Polystyrene material, obtained by extrusion, is used for the insulation of railways, foundations, concrete. Using this type of insulation reduces the ability to change the floor surface as a result of freezing.

The PVC pipe extrusion process

The main equipment for processing polymeric materials such as the PVC pipe is the PVC pipe extrusion machine.


The molding of the product is done on extrusion lines, the most common type of equipment for plastics processing. The line, as a rule, includes several links: extruders, special extrusion tools and a series of additional devices.

There is an increasing demand and a growing market for PVC pipes. This is good news for manufactures in this field. However, any business in this field can be faced with the difficulty of making the right choice of a PVC pipe machine.

There is a wide range of PVC pipe machine suppliers in the market today. However, it is important to consider some factors before making your choice. You need to confirm the competence of your chosen supplier. How do you achieve this? You can go through their website to learn more about their previous suppliers, the quality of their products. You can also ask other previews customers who have dealt with them in the past. You should also consider possible aftersales services.