Huade Machinery

Professional plastic pipe extrusion machinery manufacturer

PVC Pipe Parallel Twin Screw Extruders Market

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When it comes to the extrusion lines, then it is important to pay attention to the extruders. These extruders are the core of competent lines of extrusion. However, it is essential to use a particular type of extruder for a specific extrusion line. For instance, the PVC extruder machine is required for the PVC extrusion line.

PVC Pipe Extruder Machine

2019-08-20Many manufacturers across the globe are offering amazing extruders. Some of them have a long tradition in extrusion machinery. The extruder was introduced in the 19th century. With the progression of time, diverse types of extruders were launched in the market. Each of them can perform particular tasks efficiently. The advancement led the manufacturers to the development of the PVC extruder. This extruder can easily amazingly perform the extrusion process. It can create PVC pipes and other items by forcing the raw material through an orifice.

With time, the manufacturers of PVC machines also introduced the PVC pelletizing machine. This machine has a special horizontal volumetric screw dosing unit and a vertical forced feeder. It can avoid thermal degradation and high mechanical pressure. The latest machinery has a barrel displacement system which enables the machine to perform rapid changeovers. It is versatile and energy efficient to a great level. The palletizing die of this equipment has a side cutting plate or central plate. This plate can cover up the problems of pallet adhesion. Moreover, it can optimize the melting distribution to stop the overheating of the material.

PVC Pipe Parallel Twin Screw Extruders

PVC Pipe Parallel Twin Screw Extruders Market

As many people know that the PVC Pipe Parallel Twin Screw Extruders are energy-efficient. They make certain optimal homogenization, amazing quality of the product, and high outputs. With the help of latest technology, these extruders have an amazing processing technological innovation.

With time, the demand for the PVC Pipe Parallel Twin Screw Extruders is rising. These extruders are available in different models. These extruders come up in diverse diameters. Each of them has a gearbox with high torque. This torque can go up to 225 kW motors. On the other hand, the outputs can increase up to 1700 KG per hour for the inelastic profile and 2300 KG per hour for PVC pipe. These extruders have a driving design, absolute depth of the channel, and improved midline-to-diameter, which makes them perfect for many applications.

China has the biggest market for the PVC Pipe Parallel Twin Screw Extruders. Many Chinese manufacturers are incorporating new technology in these machines. In this way, they will become efficient for PVC sliding and pipes. The manufacturers are focusing on the screw design so that the PVC extruder machine can offer a greater surface area. 

There was a time when the market of these extruders was not too big. The companies who wanted these machines for particular operations need to import them from specific regions. However, the tables have turned now. Many manufacturers and providers are now developing these machines in numbers. They are launching new models that are exceptional in design and fantastic in production. At present, market turnover is around 1 billion. According to the researchers, this market turnover will increase up to 6 billion until 2025.